This website on freeservers is no more the OFFICIAL web site of the church. The youths of Bethel Mar Thoma Church are hoisting a new web site for the church ( as told to me in March 2008) . Web site: http://bethelmarthoma.org/index.html Thanks for about 56850 ( as on 30 May 08 ), 72584 (as on 13 Oct 08) , 77004 ( as on 19 July 09) hits on this web page. Thomas Mathai
Bethel Mar Thoma Church, Bangalore is happy to welcome all the visitors of this web site. The purpose of this site is to give a brief history of the Parish, the Mar Thoma Church, current activities, events, and so on of the Parish. The site is also intended to keep the church members and the well wishers informed about the church activities
A Brief History of the Parish
Two Prayer Groups ( DRDO & ITI ) of the Mar Thoma Syrian Church, Primrose Road, Bangalore formed a separate group and requested the Sabha authorities for approval as a separate parish.
Approved as a Parish on March,1994.
Foundation stone for Bethel Mar Thoma Church, Bangalore was laid by our late Valia Metropolitan, Dr. Alexander Mar Thoma on 25th January 1993
Bethel Mar Thoma Church,Bangalore is one of the Parishes of the Chennai-Bangalore Diocese of the Mar Thoma Church, led by Rt.Rev.Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Episcopa. The HQ of our diocese is at Mar Thoma Bhavan, Chennai - 600031. Telephone (Ofice):044 2836 3165 and (residence): 044 2825 2105 E-mail:mtcmartheo@yahoo.com.ph
Rev. Dr. John Joseph was the first Vicar.
Completed the chapel in 1993 and worship services were conducted there.
www.bmarthomac.freeservers.com web site was launched on 01 January 2001 by our then Diocesian Thirumeni Rt. Rev. Thomas Mar Timotheos. |
Church & Parsonage
The prayer hall constructed in 1993 was found to be small for the expanding Mar Thoma Community around KR Puram,Bangalore. Extended the prayer hall and completed the construction of Church building in1995. Church was dedicated on 16th December 1995 by Rt.Rev.Thomas Mar Timotheos Episcopa, our then Diocesian Bishop. Parsonage construction started on 14th July 1998 and dedicated on 29th April 1999.
NEW ** Dedication of the new church building was conducted on 22 February, 2008 and was solemnised by Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Episcopa in the presence of Rt. Rev. Dr. Abraham Mar Paulose Episcopa. The First Holy Communion in the new church wias celebrated by Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Episcopa on 23rd Feb , 2008 at 8:00 AM
From a small group,we have now grown into a Parish of over 160 subscribing members (as on 31 March 2006) and a total of over 550 members. The Lord God has guided us along the way from our humble beginning to the current level and are submitting ourselves to be GOD's instruments in order to "Light as a town on the Hill" to the community around us. |
Web Master
E mail Vicar |